The Polytechnic University of Jihlava (hereinafter referred to as "VŠPJ") is a public non-university university that places great emphasis on cooperation with the application sphere. A compulsory part of the curricula of all accredited bachelor's degree programmes is long-term professional practice, which distinguishes VŠPJ from other university-type colleges. The aim of the professional practice is to enable students to verify their knowledge and skills acquired by studying individual subjects of the respective field of study in practical activities in specific situations in business and public sector entities. The opportunity to practice theoretical knowledge in practice and to gain work experience already during their studies is a unique opportunity for students to increase their chances for future employment in the labour market. Students who demonstrate good knowledge, skills, moral qualities and an active approach in performing work tasks during their professional practice may even obtain permanent employment in a given organization after graduation from the VŠPJ.
The text in front of you aims to guide you through the compulsory work experience of a stud. Applied Mechanical Engineering programme that you are studying at VŠPJ. You will find here, in several chapters, all the information that is important for the successful completion of the professional practice.
The Introduction chapter, which you are currently reading, is intended to give you a general introduction to the meaning of apprenticeships and the purpose of this Guide.
The chapter Theoretical knowledge contains a list of all the applicable subjects for the performance of professional practice, including the introduction of a few selected topics that are theoretically studied and practiced in the various subjects at the VŠPJ. Thus, this chapter summarizes the areas of theoretical knowledge that a student should acquire before entering the selected workplace where he/she will perform his/her internship.
The chapter Activities to Practice contains a list of activities from which the student can choose specific activities - tasks - to practice during the placement. This list of activities to practice is very important for each student. At the end of the internship, both the student and the company employee who accompanied the student during the internship will evaluate the extent to which the internship was used to perform the activities to be practised. The student's level of theoretical preparedness for these activities will also be assessed.
The chapter Practice site description contains a general description of the workplace where the practice can be carried out. The student will find brief instructions on how to proceed in choosing a workplace for the practice.
The chapter Description of the practice course contains information on how and under what conditions the student must complete the practice. It also indicates what the student must provide evidence of before, during and after the placement. The student will also find in this chapter references to other information that is necessary for the successful completion of the internship.
Chapter Practice Outcomes contains a description of the required practice outcomes that will be used to evaluate the completed practice experience. Chapter Practice Evaluation describes how to evaluate the completed practice experience and the criteria for awarding credit.
Vysoká škola polytechnická Jihlava
Tolstého 16
586 01 Jihlava
IČ: 71226401
DIČ: CZ71226401
Phone: +420 567 141 111
Fax: +420 567 300 727
Mailbox ID: w9ej9jg
Contact point of the Rector's Office
Monika Jonášová
Study Department
Phone: +420 567 141 181