Practice guide
Publikováno: 9. 4. 2024 02:45
Autor: Ing. Jan Jirsa


In the case of the first category of practice (creation of a measurable output, practice of the "project" type, see chapter Description of the practice course), the main output of the practice will be the actual product of the student's activity. Other required outputs are listed below.

Practice diary

The student will make an entry at least once a week in an electronic form, which is accessible in the portal, indicating which activities he/she performed in the relevant period. 

Final report on the course and outcomes of the internship

The document "Final report on the course and outcomes of the internship" is a short and concise report (1-2 A4 pages) which will state:

  • focus of the company
  • a brief description of the activities that the student performed during the internship
  • description of the output of the internship, if the internship has a specific output (project option)
  • evaluation of the importance of the internship for the student (knowledge, skills, habits, positive and negative experiences...)
  • what subjects would the student recommend for introduction to the VŠPJ before starting the internship
  • the topic of the undergraduate thesis, if the student has chosen it for the internship
  • recommendations for further internships at this company
  • what the student would recommend in general regarding the organisation of internships

A sample report on the course of the internship can be found in the "Documents" section of the portal The report will be submitted no later than three weeks after the end of the internship. The student will submit the report electronically to the internship portal.

Electronic presentation of the internship for its defence

Deadlines for defending the internship for the winter semester are:
- 18.12.2023
- 4.1.2024
- 31.1.2024

Based on the previous document "Final report on the course and outcomes of the internship" and the internship log, the student will prepare an electronic presentation to defend his/her internship. The presentation will consist of 10-15 slides so that it is 10 minutes in length. In this presentation the student will summarise:

  • type of practice and company focus
  • description of the outcome of the internship, if the internship has a specific outcome (project option)
  • description of the 2-3 most interesting problems solved, if the internship is in the continuous activity option
  • evaluation of the internship by the student, recommendations for further internships in this company
  • seminar/bachelor thesis topic, if chosen by the student for the internship

The student will submit an electronic presentation to the portal The specific date of the presentation defense will be specified during the semester. The purpose of the presentation is to familiarize colleagues and members of the department with the student's work experience, to develop the student's presentation skills, and to prepare the student for the bachelor's thesis defense.

Student evaluation of the internship

The student will fill in the portal online structured questionnaire, which will be used both to compare the course of the internship in each field of study, and the student will indicate here for the practiced activities how much he/she used the activity within the internship and also evaluate the level of readiness for this activity. The report will be submitted no later than three weeks after the end of the placement.

Confirmation of completion of the placement and evaluation of the student by the organisation

Samples of the document Confirmation of completion of professional practice and its evaluation  are available in the portal This certificate and evaluation is issued by the organisation where the student did the internship. It must be confirmed that the student has completed the internship or training of the prescribed length. In addition, it must be confirmed that the student has produced the required output in the placement according to the approved specification or that the student has conscientiously carried out the specified continuous activity (depending on the type of placement). A questionnaire shall be completed by a representative of the organisation briefly describing and evaluating the student's experience. The acknowledgement and evaluation will be submitted no later than three weeks after the end of the placement, in paper form to the departmental secretariat and in electronic form (a scan of the signed and stamped document) to the placement portal.

Seminar thesis (optional)

If a student has begun work on his/her undergraduate thesis while on practicum, it is expected that he/she will continue the thesis as part of his/her semester project. The term paper may then serve as the basis for credit in the Semester Project course. 

Get in touch with us

Vysoká škola polytechnická Jihlava
Tolstého 16
586 01 Jihlava

IČ: 71226401
DIČ: CZ71226401

Phone: +420 567 141 111
Fax: +420 567 300 727
Mailbox ID: w9ej9jg

Contact point of the Rector's Office
Monika Jonášová

Study Department
Phone: +420 567 141 181

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