Practice guide
Publikováno: 6. 8. 2020 10:01
Autor: PhDr. Vlasta Dvořáková, PhD.

Graduate profile

Midwifery graduates are educated and prepared for the practice of the profession of midwifery so that they are adaptable to the emerging conditions and demands of practice that the profession of midwifery involves:

  • Independently provide individual care and support to women during periods of health (the concept of health based on the WHO definition), physiological pregnancy, physiological childbirth and care for needs arising during illness.

  • Based on the acquired knowledge (from nursing, medical and human sciences) and skills (acquired in professional practice), assess the current state and bio-psycho-social needs of women in the period of health, physiological pregnancy, physiological childbirth and six months of life, needs arising during illness or in different life situations.

  • They must conduct a physiological birth independently under their own responsibility and care for the newborn and infant. Knows the methods of family planning, can provide competent first aid and perform diagnostic procedures in the nursing care of a pregnant woman.

  • Responds to identified somatic, psychological and social problems of the client. This care includes preventive measures, detection of abnormal conditions of the mother and child, procurement of medical assistance and, in its absence, implementation of urgent measures.

  • It provides counseling and education designed not only for women but also for families and communities, which includes preparation for parenthood, psychosomatic preparation for childbirth and the postpartum period, and more broadly, certain areas of gynecology, family planning and child care. It is able to recognise signs and symptoms that indicate deviations from healthy development and signs of illness. Knows the healthy development of the individual and the factors that influence it.

  • Must provide individual support and care using the nursing process method. Possesses the knowledge, skills and moral attitudes required in carrying out individual nursing activities. In the field of nursing, the graduate is able to conduct (or participate in) research activities and apply the results of scientific research in his/her practice.

  • Graduates will find employment in the public and private sectors - gynaecology and obstetrics departments, outpatient units or primary and community care.

Get in touch with us

Vysoká škola polytechnická Jihlava
Tolstého 16
586 01 Jihlava

IČ: 71226401
DIČ: CZ71226401

Phone: +420 567 141 111
Fax: +420 567 300 727
Mailbox ID: w9ej9jg

Contact point of the Rector's Office
Monika Jonášová

Study Department
Phone: +420 567 141 181

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